I don’t think Nebraska fans are all that mad if the Big Ten makes the correct decision and allows Ohio State to play.

Any anger stems from the ridiculous, condescending national commentary that followed the request to play UT-Chattanooga or even Frost’s August presser. https://twitter.com/andy_staples/status/1336665015466811394
Nebraska got dragged by every major media outlet for wanting to play football.

Then got dragged for wanting to play football and also losing. Repeatedly.

Unnamed Big Ten sources and columnists alike lampooned Nebraska as ungrateful and conniving.

For what? Attempting to play.
Sentiments written like this: “The Big Ten is about unity. It’s about following the rules everyone previously accepted. It’s about erring on the side of safety and precaution. It’s about not rocking the boat.”

How’s that look now? Those previously accepted rules.
Even a small attempt at understanding why a football team wants to play football and not attempting to dunk on a program/fan base for Internet high fives would allow many of these same national voices to not look like human pretzels while attempting to rationalize themselves now.
But again the conversation is “Why are these Nebraska fans whining?

When it always should’ve been: “How did the Big Ten screw this up so bad and who is ultimately at fault?”

But I’m guessing that’s not making it’s way into any unnamed sourced columns at the usual stops.
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