1/Today is International Anti-Corruption Day. With the second wave of the pandemic in full force, this year has highlighted the need to fight corruption.
Here's why👇
2/Organized criminal networks are positioning themselves to capture state institutions and contracts – enriching themselves at the expense of the public.
We documented this both in our #Covid Crime Watch newsletter and podcast series. https://bit.ly/3qAl3e1 
3/As @Sarah_Chayes put it in her article, Look Out, Corruption Ahead, "an emergency offers unparalleled opportunities for the coordinated looting of public coffers…Tested procedures are ignored... Exhausted decision makers, pressured to do something, miss crucial details”
4/Recent revelations by the @GoodLawProject in the UK highlighted that a number of lucrative contracts to provide PPE to the National Health Service were awarded to companies that had only been established a few weeks earlier.
5/ . @interpol described the vaccine as “liquid gold” to organized criminals. Corruption poses a great threat to the distribution of the vaccine.
6/ 👉The procurement process of the vaccine is an opportunity for corrupt officials to give support and finance to organized crime groups
👉 Dangerous counterfeit vaccines are likely to appear
👉Vaccines could be diverted from central distribution hubs to criminal groups
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