Gove says EU and UK agreed in 'principle' that meets all of the UK govs commitment
1) to unfettered access NI-GB
2) NI's place in UK customs' territory - no tariffs for goods GB-NI that say in NI
3) a smooth transition with no new customs infrastructure
Gove says agreement on 'at risk' criteria means "NI businesses selling to consumers or using goods in NI will be free from all tariffs" - from cars to lamb
He says agreement provides additional flexibilities to prevent disruption on 1 Jan. With a grace period for supermarkets - including on sausages .
Gove also says there will be "time of reciprocal agreement between UK and EU on agri-food which would be discussed in the months ahead". Grace period reported to last for 3 months, but suggests discussions on more permanent solution ongoing?
Gove talks about concerns about 'reach back' for NI provisions to GB, says that the "agreement we have addresses that risk" - firms in GB stay outside of state aid rules where no foreseeable link to NI.
Gove says EU officials will observe checks from UK officials but no mini embassy "as some in the EU have wanted".

Protocol itself gives EU rights to observe application of EU law - so no big surprise here.
Gove says Joint Committee will formally adopt these discussions "in the coming days".

He also says provisions of the UK internal market bill and Taxation bill are no longer necessary.
He ends by saying the UK government "will always work with the interested of the businesses and people of Northern Ireland".
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