Top 3 Types of Self-Handicapping


Number 3 is the worst
Self-handicapping is the disturbingly common habit humans have of undermining their own strength & ability.

This self-sabotage appears in many ways: procrastination, addiction, etc.

but there are a few basic reasons behind the destructive behavior:

The main reason for not giving 💯effort is that it makes losing less painful.

Give low effort & don’t win—you can still claim that you could IF you rly tried. & if you somehow succeed, it’s even more impressive.

Don’t try & you probably won’t win, but you won’t rly fail either.
Another big reason for avoiding success is that it makes those around us look bad.

Humans are social creatures, and we will do anything to fit in, even stifling our own talent in order to ‘stay in our lane.’

Most people would rather be mediocre than disliked by their group.
The worst reason that people harm themselves is because they think failure is inevitable, and just want to get it over with.

Whether due to past abuse, bad luck, or just natural pessimism, some people go through life forever waiting for the next disaster to strike...
...they are convinced something terrible is going to happen, they just don’t know when or how.

Eventually the dread gets so intense that they will cause the disaster themselves, just to relieve the crushing suspense.

They would rather feel certain pain than painful uncertainty.
It’s important to remember most self-handicapping is done unconsciously.

The destructive coping mechanisms usually take place below the surface of normal awareness.

Like mind parasites they burrow deep into the subconscious, influencing us at any moment.

Awareness is the cure.
If you suspect that you’ve been subconsciously self-handicapping, ignoring it will only make it worse.

Identify the main reason that you are holding back—excuse, belonging, or despair—and you’ve a chance to break your self-imposed limits and get back to giving 100% effort again.
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