@LakaviciusR, thanks for the invitation to discuss the goals of TRESCA in the roundtable "Digital Economy, SME's, Industry and Supply chains" of the initiative "ICT Verticals and Horizontals for Blockchain Standardisation"
Indeed, TRESCA (SwafS-19-2018-2019-2020 ) is not only a project about science communication, it is also a project about misinformation and how to better react and minimise its effects.
The COVID19 pandemic has made evident to everyone the necessity Europe has to reinforce its Digital Single Market and to protect it from hybrid threats, information operations, propaganda and fake news.
TRESCA is interdisciplinary as it tries to understand what forms of digital literacy, technical tools, and policy actions we need to help Europeans become more resilient to social engineering.
As part of TRESCA, the team based in the Spanish National Research Council ( @CSIC) is working on understanding people's perceptions and beliefs (WP2 and WP3) and on building a Minsinformation Widget (MsW as part of WP4) to help people assess information accuracy and truthfulness
In collaboration with the University of Kent (UK) @hooklee75 , the team is building an ontology to be technically able to distinguish false from true information.
The idea is to create a human-in-the-loop methodology where technical tools and human abilities complement each other and reach superior performance.
You can follow @davidalqabri.
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