I used to be really good friends with a guy but he broke off our friendship because his girlfriend hated that I would say love you when I hang up the phone. If you’re that insecure that you don’t want your partner being loved by their friends you shouldn’t be in a relationship.
Like it’s instinct, if I love you those will be the last words you hear from me when we part ways. God forbid something happens on either end, I want words of affirmation and love to be our last exchange. If you don’t want to be loved I’m not the friend for you.
I say this to a”everyone that I’m close to if they were together I’d just say love you both & keep it moving. Neither me nor him saw a problem with it, he found the whole situation stressful as did I hence why we called the friendship. If you think this isn’t controlling, u wrong
I just truly do not believe in walking into a relationship and policing someone’s friendships to the point where both your partner and their friend are uncomfortable. I’ve not yet seen a logical argument for why you can’t say love you to your friend in a relationship.
Okay my bad should have added more context but it was with all girls. No calls after 6pm, not allowed to follow girls on insta. By the time we got to love you I had enough & bro was stresssed. Boundaries I’m here for but this is controlling & not healthy.
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