to practitioners of pro-Liberal Party #GoldfishJournalism who are paid to be ensconced in the halls of power; and speak directly with politicians; and tell punters we are wrong. Hi. The #Cashless policy is 13 years old. It was ramped up, vastly expanded, by Scott Morrison.
I mean it is all there. The phoney performance of ministerial accountability. The ideological hatred of people doing nothing wrong and being poor. The client donor mining company. The corrupted profiting from Chinese trade while fanning racism. The weird tory watches thing.
tories really hate anyone but their own getting gold watches lmao
regular reminder that Malcolm Turnbull not only went along with all this, he enabled the entire shitshow. Being prime minister mattered more to Mal than anything, anything at all, more than the people and more than the planet. This is how the Liberal Party rolls. Do not @ me.
time for the press gallery to concede gross error of self-serving judgement on backing Abbott, Turnbull, and Morrison into high office. Not one of them is fit. Two of them would have lost without the craven support of corporate journalism.
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