Jimin’s most insane vocal moments, a very much needed thread:
Kicking things off with one of my fave videos! The amount of talent one has to have to channel their emotions in such a way through their performance! Beautifully delivered
Jimin’s high note in hold me tight is definitely one for the record books. So effortlessly executed and with such ease.
His voice is so calming and soothing🥺
It’s the versatility for me🤧
LGO is jimin’s song!!
“Nobody’s got a voice like jimin’s” spoke straight facts there.
Jimin has stability in his voice like none other let’s be honest...
This performance! The intricate dance and beautiful vocals can only be executed by jimin.
I think about this WAYY too much, it’s unhealthy
It really wouldn’t be a jimin vocal appreciation thread without this video.
Jimin’s heavenly vocals in just one day🥺
Jimin building up the high note in “Am I wrong”, a cultural reset we should all be reminded of!
I’m still not over this vocal change
I just had to add magic shop!
Jimin’s best bridge wbk.
Ending this thread with one of the best high notes ever executed by a male idol. Hearing this never fails to make me tear up, it’s jimin’s high note in “let me know”.
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