Why the "Reyyan forgave Nasuh so what's the problem with Miran forgiving him" argument doesn't work: A Thread

#hercai #reymir
1) They're fundamentally different characters. As even Miran acknowledged, Reyyan was raised to accept and internalize/take the blame for her own abuse. She's "forgiven" each person who hurt her, including Miran, partly because she doesn't really know any differently. #hercai
+She loves the people she was raised with because she considers them her family. That doesn't mean they didn't abuse her, or that she completely forgives them. It means that for her character it's easier to say "okay, let's make peace" rather than start a conflict #hercai
+The writers have chosen not to delve into why she is that way or explore the complexity of her character, which is a different story. But it makes sense that she doesn't explode at the Sadoglus. Right or wrong, that's Reyyan. Miran is completely different. #hercai
+Miran was raised to be reactionary. He is fiercely protective and doesn't forgive easily. He wasn't willing to give up a 30 year revenge for the sake of his most beloved or forgive Hazar. The entire first season was about him trying to save Reyyan from a family that was+ #hercai
+ACTIVELY TRYING TO MURDER HER. He nearly broke a guard's hand in ep 6 for leaving a small bruise, and now he's meant to be buddy-buddy with her abuser? I don't buy it. He's not the type to buy into the "blood" family argument either. He loved Gül and Bahar fiercely #hercai
+ far before he knew they were his sisters, and was warming up to Hazar and Zehra too. He and his closest "brother" Firo are not blood related (they think). He just told Azize and R that the only family he needs is her and their baby. Going back on that is just so OOC. #hercai
+He and Nasuh have no basis on which to become grandfather-grandson. It makes no sense for him to suddenly accept a family that abused his most loved woman and still pose a threat. It makes even less sense for Reyyan to accept that, but we know the writers don't care. #hercai
2) Secondly, Reyyan didn't really, truly, forgive them. The coffee moment with Nasuh was not about forgiveness, but about a sudden, new feeling that she was being accepted by him. She wanted that since she was a child. You can't let go of that in one day. #hercai
+We never saw a resolution to the thing she brought up in ep 36. The most it changed was Nasuh calling her 'kizim'. They still mistreated her, took away her autonomy, locked her up, stole her loved horse, dragged her around. She told Melike she couldn't stand it anymore. #hercai
+That's not good enough to be called "forgiveness." Reyyan's not Azize. She doesn't want revenge for what happened, she wants peace. It doesn't mean she's come to terms with everything they did to her. Miran, the one person who has advocated for her, shouldn't either. #hercai
+ If M accepts Nasuh now, it's not only extremely ooc, but also a terrible message to send. Miran did the work to gain back Reyyan's forgiveness. The Sadoglus didn't. She doesn't deserve to see her husband welcomed for having their blood when she was hurt so badly. #hercai
So sorry for the rant! Praying the fragman was misleading 😭😭

#hercai #reymir
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