I left Hollywood after 8yrs & moved to NYC. I needed to be away from the toxicity of Hollywood (& sexual harassment/assault) but I wasn't ready to give up. NYC was my middle ground. I needed a room to rent. I went on all the apps. Men were like "Do you need a boyfriend too?😉"
Others were all "You can live here rent free if you walk around naked 😂" & I was like, "SERIOUSLY? CAN I JUST DO 1 THING WITHOUT SEXUAL HARASSMENT?!"

When I returned to 🇦🇺 & was in therapy recovering, my mum & I would chat. She had the idea for Giggle - as a roommate app.
She wanted there to be a place for women to find accommodation without sexual harassment. Then I was like, "Oh, what about freelance work?" Then we started talking about all the areas women need a female support network, which was what I was simultaneously learning in therapy.
So we started developing Giggle. My Dad started waking up at 4am before work to teach himself how to create a prototype, because he knew that we needed one to be taken seriously. I would draw him ridiculous pictures to interpret. We worked together every day for 6 months.
This is one of my "drawings" from the early days. It sits on my desk and I frequently look at it, remembering the fights Dad & would have because I was all, "What do you mean it isn't clear!?!?!"

I'm a very stubborn gal & hideous artist.
Eventually, we had enough to go to the investment & development worlds. Giggle became real.

As did the misogyny. I am a female CEO of a female company. Behind the scenes, there has been constant misogyny. A lot of shits and less giggles, so to speak.

It's exhausting.
After 8 months, we were able to put our MVP version of the app (as it is now) on the App Store & Google Play. We told a select group of women for testing.

Then, suddenly, Giggle was discovered by the TRA corners of Twitter & Reddit. Having control of our launch was impossible.
I've spoken about this attack a lot. The attacks of transphobia & "KILL TERF" profiles by trans women.

I had fought hard for trans women during the development of Giggle. I was devastated about this.

But, quickly, I refocused to our goal: a misogyny free space for women.
Now, while I (happily & willingly) fight the battle to ensure females have the right to single sex spaces, I still think back to that initial goal:

Looking for a room to rent without sexual harassment. Freelance work without misogyny. Connecting with other women for support.
The simple, necessary things that women have to do every day while wading through misogyny, sexual harassment and fear of sexual assault. And this is 'just' the "privileged" women.

Imagine how much worse it is for the women who are not privileged?
If misogyny didn't exist, there would be no need for single sex spaces. That's the honest truth.

But it does.

This year, UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said, "Misogyny is everywhere" & stated the goal is to rid the world of it in 80 years.

80 YEARS. I'll be dead.
So, during our lifetime, we need a refuge from misogyny.

We need a refuge when we want to find a place to live. Get work. Hire women. Talk to each other. Talk about "embarrassing" women's things. Whatever the reason.

A refuge while we live our lives.
I've never given up on anything.
I used to write screenplays about strong yet flawed women but it became impossible because of sexual harassment.

I was angry that my dream was taken away from me.

Until I realized that no one can ever take away working *for* women from me.
Giggle is personal to me. I will fight for her & all of us.

Whenever I get tired, I think of the women who fought for the right to vote & what was against them (including many women).

They didn't give up & because of that, we can have a voice.

Let's make them proud.

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