At what point are people going to wake up and realise that those purporting to be standing up for "sex based rights" have done nothing but attack laws and organisations that protect women and improve their lives. This problem they have invented comes from bigotry and transphobia.
I am sick of watching women's rights orgs with decades of experience and expertise facing relentless abuse from so called feminists. This group of people are actively making it more difficult to orgs to focus on life changing work and are undoing progress that has been made.
Every week there's a new target for these so called feminists and the hordes of faceless trolls they carry with them. And if we dare speak out about it or stand up for each other, you can be damn sure that you're next.
I'm just so fucking done with it all. I'm really done "listening to the other side". I am done with the "we're being silenced" card they like to play in national newspapers. I'm done with the homophobia and transphobia packaged up as concern for women's rights. I am done.
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