Today is TransMonday because, well, because I say it is so. Here are some musings on the gender debate. 1. This debate would simply not be happening if men were the ones being asked to cede their rights. 2. This subject hinges entirely on the domination of women's/girls' rights
>by expecting these bodies to cede their rights simply because others ask them to. The assumption is that girls and women must do as they are asked where the asking is a merely formality, in essence it is a polite imperative. 3. Women and girls who refuse to cede their boundaries
>are already pre-scripted. We have seen this time & time again in both history & cultural myths. From Eve and the apple (her fault of course) to A'isha & "fitna" that set up "catastrophe" for the initial years of Islamic history, we see that women are pre-written into a narrative
>where their presence either causes men to "do wrong" or for the world to fall apart into chaos. Women are the glue that holds cultures together. I see this within my own family as men show up in jeans and kurti & women in sari. Men are allowed to transgress traditions. Women are
>the signs and actors of cultural integrity. Their bodies are the symbolic walls of gender upon which other men and women refract meaning. It is no coincidence that men claiming to be women do so purely through garb, never through the insistence of lower wages. 3. The arguments
>claiming that women who concern themselves with boundaries & rape "obsess over" genitalia also accuse women of focusing upon genitalia. Genitalia is to rape what uranium is to nuclear war. Peace activists are never accused "obsessing over" uranium when protesting nuclear war.
>4. We need to understand that gender ideology is the same old sexism of years past and like a parent who tries to mask medicine in honey, trans activists are telling women to swallow this hokum as both scientific and liberatory when it is neither. We taste the potion being fed
>us and we are saying "NO!" 5. The pushback to our saying no, like the myths of women already being scripted as evil, is also culturally scripted. Men must discipline us as if we are mustangs to be tamed. Goodness forbid even governments consult with women before sticking men in
>our wards, prisons, changing rooms or that sporting authorities would consider that we might not want to compete in sports against men whose body weight frightens most from attempting competition. We are an afterthought to human rights to the extent that official bodies barely
>consider us human. Many examples to demonstrate the above, not least of which the gym in east London which unceremoniously kicked out a woman who IDed as trans from an all-male gym. I haven't heard a peep about this from trans groups. It's almost as if they know what wome are.
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