1/ Thorchain will curate pools from now on.

A feature I've been looking forward to personally. It'll drive rewards to the pools which actually earn fees for the network.

Every standby pool will pay a 100 $RUNE fee every churn (2 days)...

2/ Standby pools are secured by the system, which requires resources. However they don't generate revenue. To prevent the standby list from becoming a parking lot of assets, they'll be charged 100 $RUNE every churn.

Standby pools will get delisted when they run out of $RUNE...
3/ Thorchain is designed for economically significant chains and assets. For future implementations it's important that collateral is deeply liquid and of high-quality...
4/ There are only 30 active pools allowed atm. This can be increased in the future. To get active, a standby pool needs to be deeper than the 30th' deep active pool.

This focusses liquidity to the deepest pools, avoiding having too much choice and spreading liquidity thinly...
5/ There are currently 30 active pools. The most illiquid of the active pools is $RAVEN protocol. This pool will likely get churned out soon.

If you have assets in in standby pools which stand a low chance of becoming activated, I'd consider withdrawing them.
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