THREAD: if degrassi had actual Jewish plots besides toby speaking the chanukah song than one time
After hazel comes forward about being Muslim, Paige grapples with her own internal antisemitism and why it’s so important that she’s seen as Ukrainian rather than Jewish. She eventually comes to embrace being Jewish and she and hazel bond even more over those weird Christians
Craig gets a passover episode. His mother was jewish but even since she died, he’d been living with his incredibly Christian dad. Now Joey, also Jewish, is hosting a seder and this connection back to his mom and Judaism cements that he, Joey, and Angela truly are family
JIMMY’S BAR MITZVAH IN SEASON ONE! right before he’s about to invite his friends to it, Spinner says some ignorant, antisemitic shit not realizing jimmy is jewish. Jimmy then wrestles with whether or not to invite spinner and “out” himself. 1/2
Somehow his parasha, which also connects to basketball, inspires him to say screw it and confront spinner. In the end, they all party and spinner admits the whole Jewish thing is pretty cool. 2/2
Speaking of Spinner, his grandma gets sick in s2 and while I’m the hospital reveals that she’s actually a survivor of the shoah but due to trauma & fear kept it hidden. Now spinner’s gotta confront his own Jewish misconceptions but ends with jimmy and him bonding more
Side note: if the fact that spinner’s mom refuses to tell him where he’s from in the diversity episode doesn’t scream intergenerational trauma idk what does
Sleeping now but I’ll add more tomorrow
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