For 99.9% of human history

people lived with their extended family for their entire life.

"The Nuclear Family" was a historical fluke that was mainstream in Western Countries from 1945 - 1979
Data tells us that children raised in nuclear families (2 parent households) do better than children raised in single parent homes, all else equal (even after adjusting for socioeconomic status).
I strongly suspect than children raised in extended families do better than children raised in nuclear families.
How many adults are present?

Multiple Adults > 2 Parents > 1 Parent

> 0 Parents (orphanhood)
Asians in America today (Indians and Chinese) often live in extended families their entire life, or for a very long time.
The young people in these (Asian) families have incomes above average compared to the general population; they could get their own place to live, they just choose not to.
Anecdotally, I know an Indian guy who works in software engineering and has a $200k+ W-2...who in his late 20s still lives with his parents.


In his words "Why would I move out?"


He puts his savings towards buying rental properties.
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