I've emailed the following to AZ Republicans: all 48 of them. I listed their emails and phone numbers. Demand they vote to give the electoral votes to President Trump who rightfully won them. Here is what I wrote: . @realDonaldTrump
"An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it" On that point... I apologize for any grammatical errors or poor sentence structure in advance.
Good Evening Everyone,
I've attached a shortened version of an email I wrote when I was running for Kane County Chair
so that you had a better understanding of my background at the very end if you find it at all useful (if not disregard.. my feeling will get over it ;-)

Attached please find the following:

1) Meta Data on AZ voting patterns

2) Write up of the meaning of those patterns
In that Order... God holds Dominion over US, not Corrupt Machines that use that Name. Without a properly functioning Nation; All is and will be lost; a Properly Functioning Nation allows Families to Prosper and that leads to the next generation of Individuals making our Nation
better than it was the generation before.

All 48 of you are in the unique situation to impact the lives of the Entire Planet. Over 7 billion people could face very serious and dire circumstances over the next 100 years if Joe Biden is allowed to steal this election.
There is ZERO doubt in my mind, based on the evidence, that Biden is nothing less than an agent of very corrupt forces and is attempting to steal this election through the use of very sophisticated mathematics and supercomputing technology that was accessed via cloud computing
since the voting machines are not "air gapped". I've run trillions of calculations on the Arizona Data alone over the past few weeks and that is nothing compared to the processing of how this scam was run against the Great People of Arizona and America.

Essentially what
transpired was the creation of an algorithm that viewed each voter as a "price" and the number of votes "as volume".

The formal definition in Investopedia: The volume weighted average price (VWAP) is a trading benchmark used by traders that gives the average price a security
has traded at throughout the day, based on both volume and price. It is important because it provides traders with insight into both the trend and value of a security.

The number of votes that were being processed by the minute (not unlike how stocks trade) was examined to a
historical database of past behaviors and votes were "shifted" from various precincts within AZ to other areas that were "in need" of generating the "average voting percentage" needed to win a particular race. How do I know this? I have spent over 20 years of my life reverse
engineering VWAP's and other systems in the financial markets to develop an "Edge". Think of it as learning a probability of how things operate so that you have a better understanding of when to bet relative to other gamblers. Well, some very sophisticated nefarious actors
hired people that had these skill sets to undermine the Great People of Arizona and the citizens of these Great United States.

The front loading of votes and "Gap Up" across the nation when "voting opened back up" resembled how stocks behave when the "price" needs to shoot up
attached to volume at that price to garner the expected or "TARGETED" ending price. Turn on CNBC any given day and see for yourself how "stocks gap up or down" depending on "news" or where sophisticated players want them to move.

The "Ending Price" for Biden was quite elegant
indeed - it created a situation in which more votes were tallied than the number of "housing units" in the entire State of Arizona. In fact, the voter turn was so high that the number of votes in this election was higher than all of the population growth of the State for the
past 22 years in addition to another 166,000+ votes to fill the void. Clearly Arizona has had this fraud perpetrated for at least 2 decades. I've tweeted the President asking leniency for anyone that comes clean and admits they "cheated a little" or looked the other way.
After these results are certified, I, along with over 100 million Americans will want nothing less than SEVERE consequences. I'm not sure how that will ultimately look, but here is the reality. You, 48 are in a position to alter the course of American History if you vote your
conscience and your Faith. You can help restore Faith in America and in Americans having Faith in Each other to do the right thing. Without Trust, no society can prosper as every system will ultimately collapse as people pull back. We are at that juncture as a society.
If I had the stream data of how things were processed minute by minute (as though it was price data) I have zero doubt you can identify when and where the fraudulent votes were being cast "or fed into the system" to generate the desired end result.

I know this is overwhelming
and many in this Nation and the world are in disbelief, but when all of the data and "common sense" suggest that something is horribly wrong, that is when one's character is meant to shine. It is my hope that you do the right thing. Perhaps, some of you are compromised and have
embarrassing information that can be released, and that is tainting your actions on doing the right thing. For those that violated laws, this is the one time in History that you have to be brave, admit what you did was wrong, and ask for forgiveness. No other time in History
will the American People be as forgiving if you make the Right decisions.

I pray that you do the Right thing and End Corruption in the voting process of AZ once and for all.

I am organizing for a Constitutional Amendment in which we have a new "Bill of Voter Rights"
1) National Voter ID (precedent exists with Passports)

2) Blockchain paper only ballots - Fraud collapses from outside forces

3) In person voting only

4) Veterans deliver votes to people that are sick and can't make it to vote in person (who better to assist in this process
than Americans of all backgrounds that were willing to sacrifice their lives or our Great Nation).

5) Veterans to count the vote with Civilian supervision.

Arizona will ultimately be the Beacon of Hope for a New Fair and Equitable Voting Process in America or it will be a
Case Study in which many will share with the world for the indefinite future. The data is so egregious from so many levels that I find myself being able to discuss it for hours one end.
I did a survey on twitter recently asking people if they trusted the AZ State Legislature...
You can follow @BobbyPiton3.
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