2. The link between politics and Christianity in the US. This is a very complex issue, but in brief: there is a kind of package-deal white Evangelical Christianity that ties right wing politics with traditional gender roles, rugged masculinity to Christian beliefs 4/
For an overview see this excellent book.
Kobes Du Mez patiently analyzes the link between rugged masculinity and Evangelicalism, but she also shows the political links and how white Evangelicals have been a very influential voting bloc. 5/

And as this article and Du Mez' book indicates, this reliance of Republicans on white Evangelicals as a faithful voting bloc looong predates Trump. In that respect, their support for Trump is not so strange/unprecedented 7/
Now, @MJGerson writes "If we should encounter someone who believes — honestly and adamantly believes — in both the existence of the Easter Bunny and in the resurrection of Christ, it would naturally raise questions about the quality of his or her believing faculties." 8/
And he similarly worries that unwavering support for Trump will "make the critical intelligence of Christians seem limited. And what these leaders say about religion loses in credibility." Worries along those lines make me think of Augustine ... 9/
Augustine worried that if Christian spout ignorant claims about, say, biology astronomy "and talking such nonsense" then non-Christians would "scarcely contain their laughter when they see them to be toto caelo, as the saying goes, wide of the mark." 10/
But anyway, Augustine's worries apply to Christians very much today. Think of Young Earth creationism, the Creation museum, wrong views about climate change, etc etc. So, already, Christians are signaling to non-Christians "We are scientifically illiterate". 11/
The problem, then, runs deeper. It's a huge epistemic rift where Christians are moving further and further away from accepted science and from commonsensical beliefs. But because of their disproportionate political influence, they get away with spouting this nonsense 12/
And then you lose all credibility. The problems run far deeper than
indicates. I also worry that attempts to salvage Evangelical Christianity from (I think well-founded) criticisms by sophisticated philosophical argument (think WL Craig etc) don't really work 13/
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