Let me break down what happened today at SCOTUS, and why it was completely predicted, and how the TX suit is much more promising.
The PA case was based on a suit that PA shouldn't have allowed Absentee Ballots to be issued so easily, because the PA Constitution gives specific requirements. The problem was, the suit wasn't filed until AFTER the election.
The lower court and the PA Supreme Court didn't say there wasn't cheating. They didn't say the Absentee Ballot process wasn't a violation of the PA Constitution, they simply said the plaintiffs should have brought that suit BEFORE the election.
The US Supreme Court doesn't have the role of judging the PA Constitution, so there was no way EVER that the US Supreme Court would rule on this case. On top of that, the US Supreme Court couldn't hear new evidence, ONLY the Absentee Ballot process was in play.
The TX case is a different matter entirely. It's suing 4 different states: GA, PA, WI, and MI, on claims that cheating going on in those states creates unequal protection of the citizens of TX. Essentially, because those states allowed cheating, it disenfranchised TX voters.
What's great about this case is:

- TX can easily prove standing
- No lower courts are involved, when one state sues another, it automatically goes to the US Supreme Court
- The Supreme Court isn't limited on evidence. They can approve subpeonaes for EVERYTHING. No Limits!
All TX has to prove is that ONE of those 4 states certified illegally or improperly, with enough improper votes that it swung that state in favor of Biden when it should have gone Trump. That will show damages against TX.

Other states are expected to enjoin TX in the case.
This case isn't our only chance to #StopTheSteal, but it's probably our best chance.
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