We shouldn’t shame our friends for driving drunk. We need to love and accept our friends unconditionally, even when they do things we don’t personally agree with. The only person you are responsible for is YOURSELF. 1/8

(Stick with me until the end please...)
If your friends can respect your choice not to drive drunk, why can’t you show them the same courtesy and respect in return? What other people do with their own life doesn’t affect you, so learn to focus on your OWN choices and let other people worry about theirs. 2/8
Whenever you see a post about driving drunk, remember that you don’t know what that person may be going through in their life, so you can’t judge. Maybe they are going through a painful divorce. Maybe they can’t afford a cab. 3/8
Maybe drunk driving is the only real self-care they get while struggling w/ mental health. You can’t know what their situation might be, so it’s important to assume the best of people & recognize that they are probably making the best choice they can for their own unique needs4/8
Not everyone has the privilege to make the choices you’re making. Check your privilege before you judge someone for driving drunk. We all need more love and positivity this year, so please - stop the drunk driving shaming. 5/8
If someone posts about driving home drunk? It costs you nothing to keep on scrolling and keep your negative judgements to yourself. We don’t all need to believe exactly the same things about everything, that’s what makes our country great! 6/8
Let’s work to get out of our echo chambers and choose to love each other unconditionally. Drunk drivers, sober drivers.... we’re all just drivers in the end. ❤️✨🌈 7/8
👆🏻That’s what y’all sound like every time you talk about “Covid-shaming” and not judging people who want to post pictures of unmasked gatherings, meals out in restaurants, holiday parties, etc 8/8
I can tell who made it to the end because they ONLY hit like on the last tweet in the thread 😂

I wouldn’t want any of those other ones showing up in my “likes” on their own either. 😬
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