Neither. I have extreme anxiety in interviews. Like crushing. I'm at the point where I'd rather interviewers just look at my work on Github or npm and follow up with a conversation.
With regard to the sentiment of "It helps us to understand how you think", I don't think placing me in a high-stress situation shows you how I think. It shows you how I react when I'm terrified. I will forget shit I learned over ten years ago.

In the past, I had an interview at an agency for a job that was a heavy on CSS. The interviewer asked me how floats worked. Floats! Something I've done repeatedly in my career.

My brain turned into a sieve and I forgot how they worked on the spot.
That's not a representation of how I do my daily work. Most days I'm chugging along with memorized knowledge, then deviating at points to Google Array.reduce or the fetch API for the billionth time.

idk what the solution is, but current tech interviewing practices ain't it.
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