I've taken some time to consider & process what we heard today from our Premier, Jason Kenney.

I have to say - while I'm glad to see these steps being taken, I didn't see leadership. I saw evasion, justification & a refusal to take responsibility. #ableg #COVID19AB
The Premier spoke of how those in government can too easily think of their policies as abstractions, or our lives together – social & community activity – as a switch government can just flick on & off. #ableg
He spoke at length about impacts on business owners & on individual “constitutionally-protected rights & freedoms.”

He spoke of their sacrifice, costs they’ve borne saying “the mental, emotional & health consequences of these decisions are devastating... #ableg
...and "that leaders shouldn't turn away from admitting that, to contemplating that & to balancing that off against the public health imperative, because these devastating impacts for many will be long-lasting.” #ableg
But here’s the thing – that’s a false dichotomy that doesn’t exist, a misrepresented choice that leaves out half the story.

Jason Kenney didn’t speak of the Albertans who lost their lives, or whose health has been permanently impacted thanks to COVID-19. #ableg
He didn’t speak of the mental, emotional & health consequences of his decisions, his delay, on them, their families & their loved ones. #ableg
He didn’t speak of the mental, emotional & health consequences of his decisions & delay on the thousands of frontline health care workers who’ve watched the beds fill, patients deteriorate, Albertans die & families grieve by phone or video. #ableg
I can tell you, they've told me they feel this Premier & gov’t too easily think of the healthcare system they maintain as an abstraction, of the capacity they create together – a dedicated, human, professional community – as a switch gov’t can just flick on & off. #ableg
Because they've been calling for weeks for him to act.

Their sacrifices have been real & the devastating impacts of his decision to prioritize his ideology & political interests over their warnings, expertise & concern will be long-lasting. #ableg
And indeed, the repercussions of his decision to delay taking the actions he finally did today, will echo as things continue to worsen for weeks to come before they start to get better.

https://twitter.com/jvipondmd/status/1336490876688691200?s=20 #ableg
Their Christmases will be overshadowed by the impact of Jason Kenney’s failed insistence on pitting the economy against public health & treating our healthcare system, & the Albertans who make it possible, like a machine he could push to its limits without consequence. #ableg
(And a reminder that he did all of this while pushing through legislation (Bill 47) that will make it more difficult for many of these frontline healthcare workers to access supports if they suffer physical or mental injury in their work.) #ableg
Not only that, but businesses are still being impacted. They'll likely be hit harder than if the Premier had taken stronger action sooner.

In pitting the economy against public health, he failed both. #ableg
So I can’t applaud the Premier today. Not because of partisanship. Not because of his party or his political affiliation. But because he failed to lead & waited far too long to do what needed to be done, causing more damage & costing more lives than was necessary. #ableg
And because he refuses to accept responsibility or acknowledge the impact of the choices he made. He shows no self-reflection or thoughtfulness.

Instead he reverts to petulant partisanship unbecoming of a leader.

Albertans deserve far better.

https://twitter.com/SammyHudes/status/1336468508448681984?s=20 #ableg
To the thousands of healthcare workers who've been holding the line even as the second wave is sweeping across our province, who continue to step up to save & support every life they can against difficult odds:

Thank you. We see you. We value you. We appreciate you. #ableg
To those who've been lost, to their families, friends and loved ones:

Our hearts break for you. We acknowledge your loss & pain. We mourn with you. #ableg
And to all Albertans as we face the challenge in front of us - we stand with you. We see & hear you. We'll continue to fight for you to ensure you have the help & support you need.

Reach out if you need help. And we will get through this together. #ableg
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