One final thing—I am clearly in a mood—is how angry I feel at people who think *they specifically* deserve to be an exception to rules. We all miss our people! But this destructive behavior can ruin so many lives.
My diabetic father is 61 years old and manages a restaurant. My mother is 60, on disability, with several chronic illnesses. He HAS to work because this is their income and, God knows, our government isn’t going to help save restaurants and keep people home.
I lay awake at night worrying about them either losing everything financially OR them literally losing their lives. They both have comorbidities and they are financially on the edge.
I am both filled with rage at reckless (non masking, etc) assholes in restaurants and desperately hoping his restaurant stays full. Our society has failed so many and we are left just praying it doesn’t “get” us. Which means we hope is happens to someone else.
Our society is a hellish Möbius strip of avoidance, selfishness and cavalier disregard.
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