I think if youre a wealthy person that comes from a wealthy family you should not indulge in that kinda high class lifestyle because it makes you an easy target to robbers. You shouldn't post pictures of your brunches in Peche or your vacations in Manhattan. Why would you use -
your hard earned money to enjoy things when there are robbers waiting to pounce on you? Why should you drive a BMW when if you drive an Almera no one will think you're rich so no one will try to rob you? Why should you enjoy things you deserve if it makes you a target? (Cont'd)
Instead you should always be careful, and cautious. Live your life in a restricted shell constantly. Only post KFC not when you go to Krave. That way you won't attract thieves. Because if you're not careful 24/7 you will entice robbers.
In case people don't get it by now this is total sarcasm. And constantly telling women to be careful and restrict their lives because of rapists is a dull argument. How much more careful can women be? Why do we have to live hollow lives instead of teaching men how to behave?
No one ever blames a rich person for getting robbed. Because it's not their fault. It's the thief's fault. Why can't people see this narrative with women and sexual assault? No one tells wealthy people to minimise their lives so they won't be a target. So why do it to women?
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