Each night before I go to bed, I read about fascism (yah, I'm fun) - how it evolves and overtakes functioning democracy. This is why I am no longer amused by the GOP antics. They know what theyre doing. Their donors want it. They are pushing toward fascist autocracy. In fact.../1
....the more I read, the more frighteningly obvious what is happening. Trump is not the problem; he is the symptom. This will not end until the GOP changes direction or is burned to the ground. I'm not going to use books I've been reading, but let's look at some of the..../2
...events that will be frighteningly familiar. First, understand: Fascism is a political process, not necessarily an ideology. Its sole goal is obtaining power.

How is it done? Read this....sound familiar? Whites and Christofascists being told they're victims, that they are../3
...oppressed by liberals or feminists or immigrants. However, to get this done requires one key: Disassociating a huge portion of a country from reality. We get amused with the "stolen election" and "Q" conspiracy theories supported by the GOP, but they're creating delusions.../4
..Fox News, Newsmax, OANN and the rest of them are truly threats to America, because they are using disinformation and propaganda to create an alternative reality, which is then fed by GOP politicians who are either caught up in the delusions or recognize the power they can.../5
...obtain for them and their rich donors through the adoption of fascism. Authoritarians are relentlessly using the techniques of national mythology to create an alternative, fictional reality that ultimately delivers them the power to oppress and control..../6
...it also goes to why reason and logic are no longer issues with Republicans. Undermine democracy by blocking a Supreme Court pick? Well, lie lie lie. Situation changes? Laugh and change the position. We argue reason, hypocrisy. It does nothing, because it's not supposed to.../7
...the sole purpose is to knife the people who are deemed the hated ones - liberals et. al. - and bind the deluded ever more to those utilizing fascist techniques to gain power.

I do not have faith we will get through this unless the GOP is destroyed. There are no values..../8
...no principles in fascism. There is merely relentless accumulation of power through manipulation of hate & delusions. We are there. We need to recognize how dangerous this situation is. We need to face it head on, not by excusing GOP fascist behavior, but by confronting it
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