I call this post of mine "NEVER GIVE UP", (Trigger Warning, self harm and sexual assault). I share with you all my story to hopefully inspire anyone that may be feeling alone or they are struggling this Christmas.
10 years ago I was gang raped by 6 men in Sydney. After being raped I had enough credit to call my Mother. My Mothers response to my cry for help was to ask me what I did to make those men rape me.
I immediately wanted to die, more so from my Mothers rejection then the rape I was the victim of. I immediately withdrew from society and hid in a rail shed bleeding with no food or water for 10 days.
I soon lost my job, my house and any family and friends I had left. I was a woman from a trans background, a former Superintendent of Prisons, a former international athlete, a Father, a grandfather, I was now a homeless person living on the streets of Sydney.
I lived everyday in fear not street wise, I was vulnerable not to say the least. I turned to drugs and prostitution to survive. Christmas 2011 I spent alone, scared no food, no money no roof over my head.
In June 2012 I was a shadow of my former self. In June 2012 I jumped on a train & headed to Broken Hill to escape Sydney & to be with my youngest daughter who had just had a still birth.
I was unable to support my daughter and I was further alienated and rejected by the remaining family I had.
This was the lowest point of my life. I could have very easily given up in hindsight that would have been the easiest thing to do and the biggest mistake of my life.
The pictures I have posted here show me happy and enjoying life to the fullest 8 years after my rape and I could not of shared them if I had given up.
When I arrived in Broken Hill I was treated initially as the local freak show and like the Movie Priscilla Queen of the Dessert I had to fight for acceptance every step of the way.
Please my dear trans siblings never give up on your dreams better times are ahead for anyone that feels rock bottom. I love you all and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas especially those doing it hard this year NEVER GIVE UPπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
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