Lots of news about the chaos in our ports currently, forcing Honda to shut down production in Swindon. Remember this. Once Priti Useless’s immigration rules kick in its going to increasingly difficult to find qualified LGV drivers. An industry that has been understaffed for as
long as I can remember by at least 40k drivers, probably more. We’ve been able to fill those gaps by using continental drivers but that’s going to stop. Where will industry find the 10k drivers needed to unload a typical container ship then? Don’t forget,
Honda is a huge international company, it’s not as if they’re without influence, so if they’re having to shut down plants these problems are real & in the short term at least, insurmountable. A lack of drivers will only consolidate the problems already there.
PS, before anyone suggests training our own drivers, it costs ~ £3.5k, isn’t easy, involves long, unsociable hours and may in future involve long stints in Nigel Fuhrage’s toilet…!! Not exactly an appealing career path.
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