A cyclist counterflowing on EDSA and other cyclists reacting to it harshly instead of empathy and demanding systematic change is pretty telling indeed. Here's an entire thread: https://twitter.com/dr_davidj/status/1336267752948940800
It tells me that the PH cyclist community would rather blame another that's not them than demand for better urban/mobility friendly infrastructure. It's "I'm better than you" rather than "Hey, let's help him out". It pits us against each other than holding offices accountable.
It tells me that cyclists asking the "offender" to receive capital punishment shows the depth of our moral corruption.
It tells me that it would be easier to blame an individual's "lack of discipline" than correcting systems that favor a select few. That colonial mindset that discipline is the magic pill that can solve society's aims rather than creating a system of fairness and equity.
It tells me that cyclists may be in action but car-centric in mentality. Which will not be sustainable and will not create a shift away from automobile dominance.
"But he still broke the law instead of carrying his bike and use the overpass" He broke the law by counterflowing but never in the online banter have I saw that paused and asked, why did he have to risk his life and that of others just to cross the road?
Why does he even have to break the law? Why was it even an option? All points lead to bad design. I'm pretty sure he didn't wake up and told himself "I will break the law today".
Final note, all I wish is to address the root cause than be dismissive of contexts. Also, I suggest subscribing to the Life-Sized City Channel by Mikael Colville Andersen. @anthony_siy probably have better urbanism recommendations. Follow him as well.
Should have linked this instead as this is a more pertinent example of what the counterflowing cyclist did. A2Bism
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