At what point are people going to remember DNI Ratcliffe declassified the documentary evidence that Crossfire Hurricane started as a FARA criminal investigation and not a counterintelligence operation?
If you think the Durham Special Counsel's Office hasn't had a team of US Attorney's digging into why *both* the FBI & the Mueller SCO maintained the **FICTION** for almost 4 years that Crossfire Hurricane was **always** a counterintelligence probe, think again.
Why was it so very **VERY** important for Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Baker, Bob Mueller, Weissmann, Van Grack & Co. to all lie about how the Crossfire Hurricane investigation actually began?

What were they trying to hide?
WHY did the FBI make the big switch from a criminal FARA investigation to suddenly claiming Crossfire Hurricane had ever and only been a counterintelligence probe from the start?

I know @DevinNunes has wanted to know the answer to this for a long, LONG time.
My speculation?

Brennan's answer under oath hints at what I think happened:

When asked for **evidence** Brennan scoffed and said "I don't do evidence, I do **intelligence!"

For a criminal investigation, you need to prove a CRIME happened.
When they started Crossfire Hurricane as a criminal FARA investigation of @GenFlynn & others in the Trump campaign, they probably THOUGHT Flynn/Trump were dirty, so this would be a piece of cake.

Remember, these same people had just spent 8 yrs covering up for Clintons/Obamas
But the longer they dug, the less they found.

You have to have some evidence to establish probable cause for a criminal investigation. The longer CH went on at the FBI, the more the team realized they didn't have a predicate.

So a decision was made.
They invented a new fake beginning for Crossfire Hurricane using a bar chat between @GeorgePapa19 & Alexander Downer so they could **pretend** CH started up as a counterintelligence investigation .
And then everybody involved spent 4 years lying about the origins of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

They never had any evidence either way. Criminal or counterintelligence. And they ended up using what they knew was a fake intelligence predicate, the Steele Dossier.
That's my theory, anyway.


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