Thread: Our group @masks4canada (Alberta) have parsed through the restrictions and here are our thoughts: 1/15
Overall, nobody wants new restrictions, but nobody wants unmitigated COVID spread and the death and healthcare restrictions that results. So this was a much needed set of restrictions that will definitely bend the transmission rate. 2/15
In particular, need to celebrate the long-awaited provincial mask mandate, and the closure of restaurants/bars/casinos/etc. (places where it is impossible to not wear a mask). 3/15
BEcause everyone is wearing a mask, the restriction to 15% firecode capacity to retail would work if it is adhered to. But how do you do that? Who enforces? How do you measure the numbers coming into a mall? The details, and enforcement of this, will be really important. 4/15
A bit strange was the restriction on group gatherings outside. Outside is actually quite safe. Put a mask on everyone outside, even safer. Can my 12 year old go for a walk with her neighbour? Be nice to have some clarity on these kind of things. 5/15
Worrisome is the delay in implementation in many of these restrictions: 0000, Sat.4 more days of potential worsening spread. This could be very impactful on our overall numbers, if Rt is >1. We won't see the impact of today's announcement on hosp/icu/deaths for up to 20 days.6/15
Also sets the stage for some prerestrictions rambunctiousness going into the weekend, like we saw in Ontario pre-lockdown. Will Albertans be better behaved? Methinks not. 7/15
Also strange that places of worship continue to operate at 15%. Perhaps deemed an essential service by some, arguably these events could easily move online. 8/15
Great that there is support for businesses through this, they'll need it. Unclear to us whether equal supports will exist for workers and the racialized communities most severely impacted by the restrictions and the virus. We hope so. 9/15
Elementary schools remain open, but no change to masking rules. That means in class at desk kids allowed to remove mask (outside of Edm and Cgy, who's CBE and EBE have done full time masking rules). This is a problem with known child transmission and airborne spread. 10/15
Finally, still no federal COVID app? Really? Seems so easy with such potential upside now that our contact tracing system has collapsed. 11/15
Next steps: 1) It'd be nice to have some fixed criteria for relaxation of restrictions. Then everyone knows where we're going, and pulls for the same goal. Otherwise relaxations could become politicized. 12/15
2) Can we use this time to harden our systems so that when we reopen we are more resilient? With a focus on mitigating airborne spread in (especially) restaurants and schools, through ventilation assessments and filtration systems. 13/15
Overall, a big sigh of relief that this is where we're at today. A great step toward mitigating our spread as we all await the much-anticipated vaccine. 14/15
Our team going to take a much-needed break from media and lobbying. Thanks for all the words of support through these months, it's hard to continually fight the power without losing a bit of your sanity. 15/15
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