(A thread I want my fellow men - PARTICULARLY straight men - to read.)

What movies do you love? What genres are your favorites made up of? Is there a female led, period romance among them? No? Why, exactly?

My second favorite film of all time is 2005's Pride & Prejudice.
I know there are those among you reading this who also love it. Or maybe you love another film (or films) of a similar ilk. Or perhaps you love TV like Starz's Outlander (hey, me too!).

I also know many of you will never admit that (the horror!) Why? Because society tells...
....you those movies and TV shows are NOT for you. They're for women, right? You better not let on that you love (or might even like) those things, otherwise your guy friends will make fun of you, or question your masculinity.

When I saw Pride & Prejudice in theaters, it....
....instantly became my favorite film of 2005. But how did I see it? I took my mom to it for her birthday, of course. And when I bought it on DVD, I had to watch it in secret. 🤫Because I DARE NOT let my dad catch me watching it. What would he think of his son loving a....
....a Jane Austen adaptation?

It took a few years before I shed such concerns and loudly proclaimed it not only a movie that I loved, but one of my very favorite films of all time.

And the aforementioned Outlander? I'm OBSESSED. Why? Is it the historical setting? The....
....politics? The action? The fantasy element?

Well, I love all that stuff. But nope, what really hooks me is the ROMANCE. I love seeing Jamie & Claire declare their love and passion for each other, and I swoon when they share even the briefest of touches.

If any of this....
....resonated with you even a little bit, but you are petrified at the thought of letting anyone in on your "secret", take it from me...


We men are trained from a young age to conceal our emotions. To not wear our hearts on our sleeves. But that's...

Don't be afraid to be emotional. Don't be afraid to be tender. Don't shy away from the hopeless romantic inside of you.

Love all those movies, television shows & books that you've been told you shouldn't like because you're a "man". Denying that part of yourself...
....doesn't make you a man. It just reinforces all the societal BS we've been taught, and contributes to all the toxic masculinity that is poisoning our world.

Open yourself to your feelings. Be who you are INSIDE.

Let It Go. (Yep, I freaking love Frozen and that song đź’–)
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