My DMs are blowing up cuz of today's article, & Im already bad at replying to ppl as is, so here's a thank you to everyone who reached out. Im happy my piece is resonating, but I ask you dont keep your thoughts limited to private messages. If you want widespread change, be vocal.
Regardless of what side of the political aisle you land on, if youre tired of the state of the gaming media, speak up, & dont stop

PS5 reviews complaining about the election is nuts. Journos saying Cyberpunk will lead to violence is insane. The medium is regressing, fight it
Anyone who is passionate about games & just the industry as a whole should be fucking furious that this clique not only controls who can get jobs at the major sites, but that theyre making 65k+ a year, all while endlessly bullying game devs who dont promote their ideologies.
Complaining about colonialism in Paper Mario is not normal

Complaining about colonialism in Monster Hunter is not normal

Complaining about colonialism in ANY game is not normal.

Gaming journalism is fundamentally broken right now cuz it's been hijacked by overly woke idiots.
It's easy to sit there & say they have no influence, but they do. They have the power to make small games sink, & time & time again they bury devs under heaps of controversy. This all needs to be culled at the root

Fuck this industry, it's broken. Let's fix it, be vocal

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