You know what I’m kinda bored and I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately so I’m gonna say ONE thing I would change about every Star Wars movie that I think would make them better…
TPM: Have Anakin and Padme both he 19. I loved Jake Lloyd but having them be the same age and Anakin being a little older just makes a lot more sense to me. Also easier to seed the roots of Darth Vader to an adult than a child I think.
AOTC: Give more of a concussion to the whole Sifo Dyas story like. Honestly to this day I still don’t full understand the origins of the creation of the clone army. Or it should’ve carried over to ROTS honestly, it could’ve been a huge story piece.
ROTS: Give Anakin something to do in the second act. I know the council assigned him to spy on the chancellor but like 5 minutes later Palpatine is already “like man, I know what they told you to do” and then you kinda just wait for him to turn evil.
Solo: Han’s name. I think it was legends or whatever that had the Imperial officer naming him “Solo” and people liked that but it’s literally the most stupid thing they could’ve done.
RO: I really can’t decide for this one because a part of me wants to say let Cassian and Jyn live but another part if me thinks that tragic aspect is just beautiful as hell. I guess just have Mustafar be more lava-ey.
ANH: Don’t have Luke and Han rescue Leia. They get to the detention level and she’s already broken out and was on her way to leave. Super specific I know and there’s other things about this movie I would change as well but I love this idea.
TESB: Don’t have Leia kiss Luke. I mean this is obvious. And I get it, the whole twin thing hadn’t been decided yet but still I don’t like it. I don’t like Luke’s smug smile after, none of it. If anything she should’ve just kissed some random rebel in the hallway to piss off Han.
ROTJ: This is tough but I guess don’t have the main conflict be around a second Death Star. Honestly super weapons are stupid, one was enough. They could’ve come up with something in its place.
TFA: Don’t destroy the Republic. I suppose I could say don’t do Starkiller Base for this very reason but whatever, just don’t destroy the Republic. It was just a stupid, lazy move to recreate the environment of the OT and the NR could’ve provided a really cool dynamic for the ST.
TLJ: Have Hux be ready for the moment if Snoke’s death allowing him to steal control before Kylo can. It would’ve been cooler to see Hux with the political power and Kylo with the physical power, rather than Kylo with both in the end.
TROS: Don’t involve Palpatine at all. His plan in this movie was so weak it really makes him a weaker villain as a whole. And this gets rid of the Rey Palpatine garbage and as bad as Rey Skywalker is it would at least make it less bad if she wasn’t a Palpatine or whatever.
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