ok, then. it. is. on.

first step: get my zsh set up to match other machines. try to install 'oh my zsh' and hit first snag: no git. that's fine, though. it automatically prompts me to install the command-line tools and goes off to do that...
trickier than it needs to be to get .zshrc files to show up in finder (cmd+shift+.). got that copied over from my work machine and my shell is now g.t.g. really like the keyboard. more travel and better feel than either my 2016 mb pro or bluetooth apple keyboard.

xquartz installed without too much fuss. it's not native yet so it prompts to install rosetta which it does automatically and only takes a few 10's of sec. seems to run fine and can pull up xterm from menu. need to log out to get the automatic stuff to be enabled.

downloaded and installed iterm2. apps are now nice enough to offer to move themselves to the applications folder. i appreciate that. i went there, right-clicked on app, selected 'get info', and under 'general' clicked 'open using rosetta'. this will be my x86_64 shell.

copying over the conda install from my work laptop. will use that to test how well that can migrate over and run under emulation. meanwhile, holy heck is this thing responsive. my 2016 i7 mb pro and 2018 i7 mac mini seem super laggy in comparison...

the stable version for @code is still x86_64. there is a native arm64 version available for the exploration build. grabbed that and tried it a bit. seems ok so far...

ope, the conda stuff i copied from my work machine worked, but generated tons of code signature errors. i could go through and white-list them all, but decided to follow https://conda-forge.org/blog/posts/2020-10-29-macos-arm64/ instead to get some native benchmarks with my code.

oof, the solver in that version of conda seems a bit broken. it's not working deep enough to figure out what it needs so i'm having to install things by hand. we'll see how this goes. at least it's bloody quick....

well, looks like ccdproc, astroscrappy, photutils, and poppy aren't available via conda within miniforge. gonna try pip next for those...

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