Does your morning need 111 pages of Fair Work Amendment Bill to complete it? Of course it does, hw is that even a question?;fileType=application%2Fpdf #auslaw
s 15A(5) - whether an employee is casual is to be assessed at the date the offer of employment is made, regardless of how th employment relationship develops #auslaw
Div 9 of Part 2-3 creates "simplified additional hours agreements" - every time I see the word "simplified" in this context, I releases the safety on my Browning
Flexible work directions can be given if they are "a necessary part of a reasonable strategy to assist in the revival of the employer’s enterprise", which is not a mouthful AT ALL
New s 216A allows franchisee employers to "opt in" to agreements covering other franchisees (if the employees approve) - that looks sensible
New 536AA preventing employers advertising jobs at below minimum wage is a bit odd - the employers who pay below minimum wage don't generally advertise that fact
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