Aside from the loons (and remember, PLEASE remember - they are in the minority) - today IS a reason to have spirits lifted. I am no fan of this Government, but irrespective if today is a first step to ending this, then we should be thankful..../1
You will no doubt see a lot of conspiracy stuff online. Please don't believe all you read and please DO your own careful reading..../2
Vaccines over the years have either largely or totally sorted some horrific problems - Polio, Measles, Diptheria, Tetanus, Tuberculosis and so on and so on... Yes, most of those took ages to solve.. but..../3
This is not a normal cause. The delays in previous vaccines came due to a combination of much poorer science coupled with profitability issues that delay things massively on funding rounds. That did not apply to Covid.../4
As I said from the off - if a disease appeared that made male testicles drop off in pain I can GUARANTEE that they would have found funding to fast track a cure..../5
Where there is a will there is a way..../6
Discuss with anyone in the medical profession. They are going to take this. They are going to prescribe it.. They trust it.... That's good enough for me. Questions about speed are showing a misunderstanding as to how this stuff works.../ END
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