The Net Negatives Of Procrastination (THREAD0:

You have to go through X amount of 'pain' to complete a task. Something you would rather not do.

By putting it off, you experience Y amount of distress from thinking about the task that you have pushed back for later...
You have to go through the X amount to complete the task at some point.

By procrastinating, we open ourselves up to the Y amount of pain as well. Something that wouldn't exist

The further you put something off, the more of this Y pain occurs in the brain.
The marginal difference between the two is that one scenario you complete the task and then have a free mind

One scenario you may complete the task later, but you've added all this extra bullshit for no reason.

You are not saving any energy or time by choosing this path.
A lot of mental peace is taking care of your responsibilities and completing the tasks you know you need to do each day

Then, there is no reason for your inner voice to bag you out or complain / worry about stuff you have to do.

Because its done.
Making this distinction is imperative to personal progress because you realise that the delaying of work is only hurting your future self.

Going further into the analysis of it, you are MISSING OUT on possible compounding progress from completing tasks earlier.
If you invest more money earlier in stocks then you get the added benefits of being in the market for longer (each day counts)

Similarly, the quicker your attend to your responsibilities the more benefit you get from being in the game longer.
This applies to writing content, developing a skill, whatever it may be.

The quicker you get the tasks done, the more beneficial in the long run

Eliminating procrastination comes down to internalising this notion and making the decision to not harm your future self any longer.
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