For my new followers and for old ones too, I talk about my ethnicity ALOT. It's linked to my everyday experiences but I'm in a privileged position. I have a university education, a job and tons of work experience - I can ride out the negative implications of being open about it
Not all of my peers are able to do so. I remember times where I used an English accent and hid my ethnicity in job interviews so that it wouldn't see my application discarded. So that I wouldn't be refused service or denied an opportunity, so it wouldn't change how people saw me
I'm tired of that now. I'm open so that it is easier for those who come behind me, for those who aren't as privileged. At one point I was silent but I will never sit silently again. I will kick your doors down, break your glass ceilings and shake your damn tables
My success is rooted in my identity and my life experiences. I am successful because of who I am, not in spite of it

If your workplace would benefit from learning more then hit me up. Especially those in education and policy, I promise I'm a good speaker!

You can follow @chelsmcdonagh.
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