as with Y2K, there will always be a market for "lol you all panicked about Thing and then Thing didn't even happen" takes which ignore all the absolutely balls-to-the-wall nonstop 24/7 labor, activism, public pressure and screaming which prevented Thing from destroying us all
i mean like

Trump literally said

out loud

in his out loud voice


that getting a SCOTUS who would steal the election for him was the entire purpose of rushing through Barrett's nomination despite all the pressure not to

he like. said it.

Nate Silver calling us all hysterical, must be another day ending in -day
like let's be clear that the reason SCOTUS didn't go all-in on Trump is not because zero SCOTUS judges wanted to or considered it

it's because good decisions by lower level courts, public pressure and a shift in the media narrative have now boxed them into a corner
big "everyone yelled at me to wear a mask to prevent COVID, but then I never even got COVID, so clearly all of you were exaggerating about what a big deal COVID is" energy here
part of why this makes me so mad is that we also heard this from pundits about the election

"lol you were all so afraid Trump would win but then it wasn't even close" YES BUT NOT BECAUSE OF COSMIC INEVITABILITY, BECAUSE A LOT OF TERRIFIED PEOPLE WORKED THEIR BUTTS OFF TO STOP IT
it's not like we can look back and be like "oh right it was DIVINELY ORDAINED that the way things turned out was the way it was DESTINED TO TURN OUT ALL ALONG and that therefore the work we all put in was WASTED EFFORT"

"Trump tried to get the Supreme Court to steal an election for him but was unsuccessful, so therefore THE FACT THAT A LOSING PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE TRIED TO BULLY THE SUPREME COURT INTO STEALING AN ELECTION FOR HIM is a mere bagatelle, let us waste time on it no further"
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