Current discussion is a restoration and public-private partnership of the Collins Farm by the city and a local chapter of the DAR. The farm is the small structure on 3 acres located just north of Carnton heading into Franklin along Lewisburg Pike.
Part of the proposed project would be a pavilion honoring veterans and a garden restoration. "You're dealing with a lot of ladies who are into history and into genealogy," says Sarah Ford, the Old Glory chapter's regent.
Ford says the investment on the part of the DAR would be $400,000. The city would rent the space to the DAR, which they would use for educational purposes.
The city is hearing a proposal to incentivize developers to build more affordable housing.
In a nutshell: Parkland and road impact fees would be reimbursed to affordable housing developers after construction is complete and a certificate of occupancy is issued.
Tom Marsh, the city's Director of Building and Neighborhood Services, said affordable housing is called for in the city's long term planning document, Envision Franklin. Currently, Franklin is lacking in low and moderate income housing.
Per HUD:
Moderate income: gross income for a family of 4 doesn't exceed 80% of median for the metropolitan area = $65,850
Low income: gross income for a family of 4 doesn't exceed 50% of median for the metropolitan area = approx $41,000
Marsh told me earlier today the median cost of homes in Franklin are low to mid $500,000s, with the typical price of impact fees costing $13,000.
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