How do some people work on like 3 WIPs at the same time without going completely insane?
I envy y'all please tell me all your secrets
I'm mostly a plotter and a control freak so if I haven't completed the whole story I can't bring myself to post the first chapters, cause I keep going back to change details & scatter chekhov's guns around as I go

But I'm also a very impatient person do you see my problem here🙃
In short idk when my 2 WIPs will see the light of day bc they're both going to be quite long-ish I think, so if I decide to just finish the first one before fully starting the second one, this might take a while 😕

Why am I always so damn indecisive ugh did I mention I'm a libra
As a reader I have to say I prefer going straight for completed works (and bookmark the still ongoing ones I'm interested in for when they'll be finished) bc I enjoy intensive and ininterrupted reading sessions, but maybe others actually enjoy waiting for the next "episodes"? Idk
Ok I'm done whining I just needed to take a break and go on a small rant, back to work now vmin doesn't sleep so why should I 🤓💻
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