#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #TrumpMeltdown - 1/6 Trump short of breath & pressured as he reads text at his fake #CoronaVaccine Summit. (Biden team not invited.)
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #TrumpMeltdown - 2/6 Trump’s demented chatter includes his constricted range of phrases, e.g. amazing, like you’ve never seen, China virus, incredible, nobody thought it was possible, etc.
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #TrumpMeltdown - 3/6 Trump signs meaningless executive order, takes questions breathlessly. Repeats lies & bullshit about testing & cases, his big WH parties, & then rants, “We won the election,” & rambles insanely.
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #TrumpMeltdown - 4/6 Trump goes nuts as he rambles in paranoid fashion about being robbed in a crooked election. Repeats his “you look at” mantra, total calf splatter. Abruptly quits & leaves.
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #TrumpMeltdown - 5/6 Trump’s mental decline is such that his brain is like a library containing outdated books & 8-track tapes. He can only repeat himself, as he is incapable of abstract thought or synthetic reasoning.
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #TrumpMeltdown - 6/6 Trump’s textbook dementia symptoms today: irritability, pressured speech, wandering, tangential ideation, paranoid delusion, prevarication, perseveration, & confabulation.
You can follow @JohnMTalmadgeMD.
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