Thank you very much to @BroomCenter @AllisonPR @warnerbros @CocaColaCo @Smiletrain For hosting such a wonderful and impactful webinar on the social responsibilities of Brands. #3Pcareertour

I am excited and grateful to be the recipient of a free @PRSSANational membership.🙏🏿🙏🏿
A lot of useful information was shared during the webinar; however, one thing Debbie said really resonated with me:

"Our families put us on things they think will be good for us"

As an African, this really hit home for me. It was expected of me to either become a lawyer or a
doctor or because I'm female, marry one of those. I had to fight really hard to be allowed to do what I wanted, which is journalism and public relations.

I am glad I stood up what I believed. I look forward to learning and doing great things in my chosen profession 😊
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