Why does it have to be Classic vs Survivor?
Important to someone for different reasons
And of course all of this applies to LAU 😘
I love all my eras❤🏹💚
Small explanation of why for all thread 💚🏹❤
Classic: I love the thought of Lara saying "to hell with your idea of what my life should be, let me show you what it's going to be."
She lives her best life, no lie.
TR2 is where it's at for me! ❤🏹💚
Her adventures are always fun to go on 💖🏹💖
LAU: my childhood 💜🏹💜. Keeley Hawes everyone!
But for Lara, seeing another girl survive and make it in the cold like she did was so awesome for me, being 7 when I 1st played.
I loved Anni, seeing how she got to be where she was in Legend. Underworld has always been my fav.
Survivor is the closest to my heart now.
I was blown away by 2013, & I legitimately cried at the end of Shadow, seeing her able to break free from everything that left a Shadow over her.
I struggle with horrible depression most days, and rarely feel above 65%. (1/2)
Everything about Survivor has meant the world to me. Lara going thru a sad, traumatic childhood, and the island but still finding peace was what I needed as a TR fan.

While many don't care for it, it helped many with it's message, including me. (2/2)
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