How Wilbur Soot can win: a thread (1/9)

I cant believe i'm doing this lol.
To be president of the United States, there are 3 qualifications that a potential candidate must fit:

1. be a natural-born U.S. citizen of the United States;
2. be at least 35 years old;
3. be a resident in the United States for at least 14 years.

Wilbur Soot, unfortunately does not meet any of these criteria. He is:

1. Not a natural-born U.S. citizen, as he was born is Suffolk, England, not in the U.S., and also doesn't have American parents;
2. Is 24 years old as of September 14;
3. A resident of the U.K.

We can change this however. First, Wilbur must move to the United States. after 14 years he will have met the 3rd qualification, and by that time will be old enough as well, at 38 years old. He should then be ready to run in the 2036 elections (when he would be 40)

As you may have noticed, he would still not a natural-born U.S. citizen. We can fix this too, by forging a birth certificate. Lets say he was born in Suffolk, Virginia, rather than Suffolk, England. Although illegal, it isn't impossible.

Now there are an additional 3 criteria that bar someone from running for president:

1. If they have been previously impeached;
2. If they have already served 2 terms;
3. If they have refused to swear an oath of office.

Wilbur has done none of these, so we should be good!

Wilbur Soot is now ready to run for president. As a streamer he will appeal to oppressed minorities such as gamers, he will also easily win the the female and gay voting bases by his extreme attractiveness. Assuming he runs as a democrat, He will easily win the nomination.

And there you have it: 538 electoral votes!

As president he will also annex Canada, and become emperor of North America (not including Central America)

@eyitzanthony encouraged me so blame him
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