some books from this year:
gods of pegana, lord dunsany.

between this & the book of wonders, I preferred this. a primitive religious mythology described in a typical pantheon.
sorrows of young werther, goethe.

what zero pussy does to a mf. letter format written through a single perspective, you only see the story from his side, which is a descent into despair.
the new science, giambattista vico.

the anti-cartesian. this work was a construction of the cycles of history using philological analysis, mostly of latin. an understanding of ancient myth and poetry as primitive economic and social history. marriage, augury, burial.
lectures on the introduction to the philosophy of world history, hegel.

more readable than some of hegel's better known works. another attempt to discern a logic of history, this time according to his own system. tastefully racist.
philosophy of history, jaques maritain.

rather short, somewhat unsatisfying, and at times naively liberal, this was the least comprehensive philosophy of history I read and not very representative of maritain's work as a whole.
the sailor who fell from grace with the sea, mishima.

a sailor meets a single woman with a young son in a small gang. fairly dark story dealing with tensions between modernity and tradition.
cosmos & transcendence, wolfgang smith.

the first half of this book is a great overview of the philosophical foundation of seeing science and all knowledge as measurement and model. the second half is a less comprehensive critique of darwin, freud, & jung.
reread elementary particles by houellebecq.

still excellent. a loveless world of narcissism, suicidal superficiality, and impotent hedoism humorously captured. reminds me of 2015 twitter.
the machiavellians, james burnham.

excellent overview of elite theory including machiavelli, mosca, pareto, & michels, depicting the world as always in the hands of an oligarchic minority despite formal claims to the contrary.
2 books by etienne gilson: methodical realism & thomistic realism and the critique of knowledge.

these form his critique of the idealist approach to knowledge as flawed in its very inception coupled with objecting to forms of realism which attempt to incorporate idealism.
after enlightenment: the post secular vision of hamann, john betz.

detailed overview of hamanm's thought as expressed in his uniquely labyrinthine style. probably necessary since reading hamann by himself (I also read the cambridge collection) is dense and perplexing.
integralism, thomas crean OP.

work dealing with the fundamentals of catholic political thought, the relationship between the church and the state, hierarchies of goods, the family, etc.
the metaphysics of good & evil, david oderberg.

analytical friendly treatment of the thomistic understanding of good and evil, which correctly emphasizes the more fundamental ontological notion of goodness that must precede any understanding of moral goodness.
nemesis, ca bond.

ebook from a twitter user, generally very well done. analysis of power using jouvenelian model of power centralizing itself through peripheries, coupled with discussions of ngos like the ford foundation, blm, etc. very relevant.
the structural transformation of the public sphere, habermas.

arguing for the development of the public sphere in the 18th century where the bourgeois become mediators between state and society, public opinion having the power to confer legitimacy. it's eventual manipulation.
ideology and utopia, karl mannheim.

mannheim trying to resolve the universalizing of the marxist critique of ideology as rationalization of class interest being applied to all thought, thus relativizing it irrevocably. he wants a sociology of knowledge itself.
destruction of reason, lukács.

a 900 page polemic giving a marxist critique of a genealogy of irrationalism, where thinkers who were skeptical of a dialectical development of history unwittingly culminate in hitler.
aristotle's revenge, edward feser.

a contemporary defense of an aristotelian philosophy of nature regarding knowledge, space, time, mostly engaging with analytic philosophy. which leads to the last one I will list...
thomism and mathematical physics, bernard mullahy.

this was the first of 2020 and the most satisfying. it's dense but offers the most exhaustive understanding of the relationship between philosophy of nature and science you will find. clarifies many errors, magisterial.
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