The idea of “Big tent” acceptance as leftists are going to get people killed, sexually assaulted or harassed.
Right wingers say “big tent” because 99 percent of right wingers are cis white dudes. Of course they are safe they have a common enemy. Anyone not them.
On the left however, we are a wide range of genders, races, sexual orientations and so on. We have to protect our communities who are in danger before putting the feelings of “former” or current Nazis, racists, sexual predators or anyone else who hurt others first.
It’s obviously case by case. I’m not talking about people who grew up in strict conservative religious house holds. I’m talking about people who have long histories of being awful and are STILL AWFUL.
I don’t feel comfortable organizing with someone who has sexually harassed women or assaulted them. I just don’t. I hope they work on themselves and believe in growth and want that but stop trying to say “socialism won’t thrive with this attitude” when it’s my safety.
Just like asking black people to “get over someone being racist before” like do y’all hear yourselves? It’s obviously case by case basis and it isn’t someone’s “fault” that “socialism isn’t thriving” because they don’t want TO WORK WITH RACISTS
Anyway I could be wrong idk I just am tired of people blaming communities or people who have been directly hurt or oppressed by groups or types of people be blamed for why we “can’t have socialism” instead of idk blaming the bad people
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