Dark night of the soul thread:
Every spiritual person I know goes through what we call "The dark night of the soul" and it can last for a few days to a few months.

You go through periods of sadness, confusion, anger and it can happen more than once..
Sometimes its triggered by a crisis, sometimes its the result of a long period of emptiness or an awareness of unhealthy dynamics and patterns in the relationships around you.
It also evokes alot of fear because you're cleaning up your inside mess, and this means change.
You become aware of your own trauma, the traumas carried around you and how you're conditioned to respond on autopilot to keep the peace but this means you've been going to war with yourself.

Your higherself is ready to wake up at this point and win the battle for you
It can feel very isolating and daunting because you can't put into words at times when you're going through, so you will feel a sense of detachment from situations no longer serving you. You may feel no one will understand, but this is untrue, those who love you will understand.
The dark night of the soul is your rebirth. Its the process of your old self dying as you step into your power more. Allow yourself to experience the grief that comes with changes. Allow yourself time to adjust. You're not supposed to stay the same.
The dark night of the soul is a deep awakening. Its one of the deepest most painful healing processes you will experience, and most of the time it is triggered by loosing someone you never thought you would, but understand their soul was a catalyst to make you change for the best
Things to remember:
1. Its ok to be misunderstood in this process.
2. Some relationships will end and others will bloom
3. Its normal to spend time learning and growing. Evolving is a gift.
4. You're gonna cry. Alot. You're gonna laugh alot. Ur emotions will fluctuate.
5. You'll have flash backs of painful memories that will resurface to heal. Feel it, do what you feel is needed to heal and then let it go - forgive yourself for loving people who treated you like shit/hurt you. You deserve peace.
Love yourself. Deeply.

This is all for you.
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