I’m on a call right now with Premier @fordnation, @SteveClarkPC, @GeneralHillier, @SylviaJonesMPP & @celliottability discussing vaccine rollout for #Ontario cities. I’ll tweet out a thread here on what I hear as best I can and my thoughts... (pic credit: CTV News)
They’ve indicated things have been in the works for quite some time. There’s a 3 phase plan. Must vulnerable & those who care for these groups will get vaccine first. It’s a massive undertaking. They thank cities and thank @GeneralHillier as well for the task force.
With approval and shipments of vaccine on the horizon they look forward to working with municipalities to implement vaccines.
@GeneralHillier speaks now, says he’s never met so many dedicated men & women who are focusing on getting rid of COVID-19 and thanks them! Always remember “people are doing their best & we’re building a one team attitude on the roll out!” Public education & communication is key.
He continues... “public trust is important” and we need to be ready that it may take a while and the efforts of the rollout goes hand in hand with the current public health measures. “We will win this war against COVID-19!”
The General is inspired of the part everyone will play in this. My personal thoughts on @GeneralHillier is that he’s a perfect choice for this. He’s such a leader and motivator.
He continues...he knows an efficient & equitable rollout is important to allow people to choose to take this vaccine. From late Dec to end of March things will happen, about 1.4 million will come in at the start for Phase 1 (but total 2.4 million) & person needs 2 doses.
He continues...indicates most vulnerable and care workers first & essential workers (health, care workers/visitors) will get Pfizer vaccine first. The second manufacturer of vaccine (Moderna) will be more mobile & less logistically an issue.
He continues...Phase 2 probably around April. Wants to get to the majority of people voluntarily taking the vaccine. Will probably take 6 months.
He continues....Phase 3 will be into late and end of 2021 and will logistically be into a more normal rollout of vaccination to people.
He continues....last point he wants to make is this: Are municipalities going to be involved? “It’ll be through health care, public health units and such...we should step up and help as cities as best we can. If we can take some of the load off it’ll help!”
He’s bang on! I commit to do anything we must do as a City to help with this!
Again public trust is key. @GeneralHillier is confident on this vaccine and mentions the rigorous review of this with #CanadaHealth and states the medical professionals are behind it. He’s inspired by the experts that lays out how this will work.
He continues...they want to make sure the REAL facts are out there that are credible, and that’s what we need to embrace. Municipalities can play a role in communications on this to build that continued trust.
@fordnation agrees with @GeneralHillier and asks all “heads of council” and cities to be positive about this. My opinion: The Premier is also very on point here. He’s acknowledging that this will be a huge logistical undertaking and we need to be together on this! He’s right!
@GeneralHillier and Premier @fordnation thank all municipalities for offering to help and to acknowledge businesses that are stepping up now to help with distribution or equipment and so on....
@GeneralHillier recommits to points made under Phase 1 that most vulnerable will get vaccine first but it will be equitable across the Province as best they can - both urban and rural.
@GeneralHillier restates that the first vaccine takes TWO DOSES and takes about 21 or so days to be completed. So communications around this 2-dose rollout is very important.
Many Mayors are staying that they’re all ready to step up and help anyway they can.
Eligibility will be determined by #HealthCanada - when accredited by them very soon, we will know more. Discussions with vaccine manufacturer have been confirmed that no corners cut, that although done fast they didn’t miss anything.
There may be a variety of options that will be provided to people that get vaccinated to prove that it’s been done. Whether a card, or an app on their phone and so on...it’s being created.
@GeneralHillier indicates that 23 sites have been chosen for the rollout - but these sites will be disclosed in the next few days.
Mayor asks if Ontario is in lock-step coordination with any other Provinces or Territories? @GeneralHillier says “yes!” In constant communication with Fed’s and have reached out to other Provinces & Territory’s. (Did I spell territory’s right?)
When it comes to amount of doses rolled out, it will all depend on how many Ontario is given from the Federal Government.
Mayors would like to have clear timelines and definitions that are clear of what constitutes “vulnerable”. @GeneralHillier reminds us that we don’t have direct control over the manufacturing & shipment of the vaccines. But when they arrive we’ll be implementing the rollout.
He continues...”This will take 2021, and then some” to get this completed. We want health professionals to do what only health professionals should do. He again says if there’s any load that cities could do, it’d help big time.
@fordnation sums up the call by thanking us, thanking his team and @GeneralHillier. “We’re all in this together and we’ll get through this together. We cannot do this alone and each city will play a big part.” Wishes everyone a good holiday season!
You can follow @CamGuthrie.
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