where was that amazing wangxian fic about wwx finding a magical fleshlight, accidentally attaching it to his own butt and giving it to lwj as a masturbation aid..........
i want that exact thing, but moshang...
sqh being on the receiving end is the obvious choice but!! think about poor tsun mobei jun accidentally giving horny virgin sqh 24/7 access to his ass??
you know if mbj 'gave' sqh a fleshlight.... sqh is gonna know how to use it, and use it he shall...
oh i found the original!!! rejoice!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/25074262 
the power of a really memorable title huh
i dont know what'd be more interesting - if mbj COULD shadow teleport and crush sqh like a worm - and he's just too horny/embarrassed to do so.
or if this is a lower magic world and he straight up cant stop sqh unless he sprints down the street w an invisible dick up his ass
maybe just option 1 for now 🤔
mbj receives a magical cocksleeve as tribute - it can magically connect to the body of- mbj kills the messenger and throws away the body.
he accidentally spills his own blood on the cocksleeve - and when he later tries it, he finds....
it's connected to his own body :|
he does some exploring, half embarrassed curiosity and half furious anyone would imply he'd want this sort of thing?? maybe tries to stick his down dick in it, but, well.
he's not made for this sort of thing.
sqh finds him.... cursing out a cocksleeve and has to help pull it off where it got stuck :'| rip mbj's dignity.
angered, he throws it at sqh and bellows he can use it instead, or else throw it away.
he assumes, wrongfully, that the cocksleeve just gets connected to any user
....unfortunately, it's actually still connected to whoever last donated their blood to it. oops.
an hour later, in the middle of court, mbj starts feeling... ticklish. a little funny.
he thinks his clothes are bugging him, somehow.
at some point, he recognizes the distinct touch of a- tongue.
furious, he rises in his throne and freezes half the court.
when he gets to his rooms, he cant find anything on his body-
but the touches continue. he feels... the strange sensation of a tongue dipping in.
he tries to figure out what curse could possibly have befallen him - who he needs to kill - as that shy tongue continues its explorations.
despite himself, it starts to feel... a little good..
suddenly, he remembers.
the cocksleeve - sqh.
his face burns, his dick - instantly hard
but why would sqh LICK the damn thing-?
he remembers - the last thing sqh had seen..
mbj sticking his own dick into what he must've assumed was a normal toy.
did he- did he want to lick out traces of mbj's precome?
suddenly, mbj is nearly dizzy with arousal
he pumps his dick as that tongue - shang qinghua's tongue! - toys with him and dips further inside.
he's sure he's overthinking this - reading too much into it, but- just the thought that sqh WANTS him makes his blood rush and his head spin
he should've teleported to sqh's room-
knocked the cocksleeve out of his hands, put a stop to it all-
but he can't make himself do it- not right now-
the tongue leaves, and before mbj can get his bearings, it is replaced by something else.
a warm, blunt object
belatedly, he recognises it to be sqh's dick
his heart jumps into his throat - the reality of it suddenly hits him in the face.
this was - how dare he?? put his puny dick into his king??
mobei jun should have him flogged, should have him-
sqh's dick presses further in - it's smaller than mbj's own, slips in more easily-
past the head, although it is still a stretch, a burn-
mbj falls forward, clenching his eyes, ass lifting in the air.
assuming position, as if he was actually - actually-
the cock recedes.
he stays crouched, trembling and suddenly hollow-
something cold -squirts- up into him
mbj shouts in surprise-
the liquid settles inside, starts dribbling down his thighs-
humiliated, he recognises it to be oil-
to ease the passage
sqh pushes back in, and this time the glide is easy, and quick-
he's seated to the hilt before mbj can even cry out
he should tear sqh to pieces, limb from limb - torture him, for this-
the cock pushes in and out, and mbj - mbj can feel him- pulsing- inside of him-
he should teleport to sqh Right Now and tear his head off-
sqh's thrusts build up to a staccatto rhythm, quick and shallow,
almost - breathless, impatient
does sqh - enjoy this?
mbj pumps his own dick with fervor, claws tearing the sheets beneath him.
with his head down, he can almost imagine-
that scruffy human, panting up above him, blathering nonsense-
'so good, so good- my king~"
he bet he would keen and whimper as he came, utterly pathetic-
mbj is shuddering, humiliatingly aware of his own march towards orgasm when- the cock inside of him twitches and-
come hot in his cold channel, filling him up-
mbj is sweaty and shaken - somewhere so close to ecstasy-
he is infuriated, he is humiliated-
sqh had enjoyed him - enjoyed him enough to- to-
and yet, it had been so soon! far too soon!
mbj wants more - desperately so-
were he a weaker man, he would be frustrated enough to tears - knowing the prospect of demanding the ratty little human for more is more humiliating than any task in this universe-
sqh slips out, and mbj tears his sheets asunder, biting his bedposts out of sheet impotent rage-
when his four post bed has been reduced to a pile of blankets and toothpicks-
he feels that warm cock press back into him
oh god
so soon?
much to his frustration and ecstasy combined, sqh turns out to be quick to come but just as quick to recover-
mbj eventually learns the rhythm so as to avoid disappointment.
sqh has come - what? five times now? for all of mbj's two - building up to three-
it seems to hit him at inopportune times, almost like he is intentionally delaying, denying mbj his pleasure-
but still- five times. he must really - really enjoy it, right? mbj's body?
does he always come that much? or is mbj that special?
or is is the thought that mbj himself had used that cocksleeve that's driving sqh to abandon?
mbj comes so hard he nearly blacks out - matching sqh, for once
then, to his oversensitive despair, sqh starts cleaning him out. fingers dipping in to brush, uncaring, against his abused prostate, bringing out what is likely to be - oh god - globs of his own come
mbj shudders, sweaty and so flushed he's barely breathing,
robes long ago discarded any which way.
he's still trembling, overwhelmed and over sensitive - when sqh pushes back in
mbj thinks he wants to faint - to blank out and skip this part- much as he wants to carve it to his very bones so he will never forget
much as the thought of sqh so ruthlessly using mbj's body for pleasure makes him shudder head to toe, his dick giving a valiant twitch that only makes it worse
mbj doesn't pass out, but he feels nearly there by the end of the night-
tired to the bone, but satisfied beyond compare.
the thought of revealing it to sqh is beyond humiliating - but. he has to try the full experience. he's going to figure out a way to seduce sqh.
he wants those tiny, fragile hands on his body - on his hips, his ass - he wants to see that face, flushed red, that voice growing ragged as he nears orgasm.
he will not stop until he can consume sqh whole.
/end??? probably?? idk where to go after this lol
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