If you take a look to the stocks you hold, most of you might find the top stocks continue to go higher!

This is much against your psychology: You hate to buy stocks went too high & like to pick cheap stocks while cheap stocks rise slower or no move & higher stocks go higher😂
This isn't necessarily so surprising & actually we've seen it happening everyday in our life: high quality goods (Rolex, Chanel, Aston Martin, etc.) go higher in price faster while cheap goods go lower. So we may just haven't applied life's wisdom quite well to the stock mrkt.
So I again thought of Peter Lynch vs other WS money managers & analysts: do we really need to get an MBA to be book smart & write thick reports to win from the stock mrkt? Or rather street smart & simplicity are what we really need to pick the qualify stocks & just go after it!
To sum up: complexity & hesitance may come from we don't know what we want & how to determine a stock is good or bad; while simplicity is the sign of wisdom & determination that we see what's the essence of a biz & which factor is most important to help make straight decisions.
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